A História da Matemática nos livros didáticos do ensino médio no conteúdo de Trigonometria


  • Francisco Adeilton Silva Universidade Estadual da Paraíba


History of Mathematics, Textbook, Trigonometry


This study discusses about the History of Mathematics in the textbooks of High School in the content of Trigonometry. It is important to analyze the historical passages in the content of Trigonometry in the six textbooks of mathematics of the second year of High School, approved by the National Program of Didactic Book - PNLD 2015, based on the categories of meanings proposed by Alencar (2014). It is characterized as a research of a qualitative nature in order to ascertain aspects about the nature of the content and about the objective of the historical passages, describing the fundamental characteristics according to the categories of meanings pointed out by Alencar (2014). In order to reach the objectives and answer the questions of this research, the data were constructed from the analysis of the historical passages in the content of Trigonometry in the six textbooks of mathematics of the second year of High School approved by PNLD 2015. Given the analysis, it is observed that the History of Mathematics in textbooks in the content of Trigonometry is used as an accessory to mathematical content, most of the historical passages extol the contribution or discovery of an important personality in the History of Mathematics. We conclude that we observe a certain interest in using the History of Mathematics in the six textbooks analyzed, either by the requirement of such use of the same in the evaluation of the books by the PNLD, or by the author 's own will. We understand that if the teacher wants to insert the History of Mathematics in the content of Trigonometry in his classes, ideally he should do a bibliographic search in all six textbooks. For a single textbook does not serve this purpose, since the six textbooks together contribute a greater repertoire of possibilities of use of the History of Mathematics.


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How to Cite

Silva, F. A. (2022). A História da Matemática nos livros didáticos do ensino médio no conteúdo de Trigonometria. Revista De Estudos Pedagógicos Do Cariri, 1(04), 03–15. Retrieved from https://portalee.com.br/index.php/repc/article/view/129