A Prática do m-learning na biblioteca escolar dr. Edvard Teixeira Ferrer
Aplicaçao da análise SWOT e estratégias de fortalecimento da leitura e ensino
Social M-Learning, SWOT Analysis, School library, School Edvard Teixeira FérrerAbstract
It performs, through SWOT analysis, an evaluation of the activities of the João Paulo II library of the Elementary School Dr. Edvard Teixeira Férrer. It establishes strategies for using M-Learning Social in the context of the library in order to strengthen the reading and teaching-learning process of students. Strategies were developed to improve the aspects of the library with the application of M-Learning Social concepts, to strengthen the library, and, consequently, the teaching-learning of students.
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How to Cite
Nóbrega Martins, R., Silva, H. S. da, & Vieira, D. V. (2021). A Prática do m-learning na biblioteca escolar dr. Edvard Teixeira Ferrer: Aplicaçao da análise SWOT e estratégias de fortalecimento da leitura e ensino. Verba Volant, 1(01). https://doi.org/10.5281/vv.v1i01.86
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