Teaching performance in the teaching-learning process
Pedagogical challenges in sociocultural diversities
Teaching, Learning, Social diversityAbstract
Social and cultural diversities are today the focus of discussion and concerns in educational institutions, inclusion and social exclusion in today's globalized society. Every student has his identity formed from family and social coexistence, and these will be confronted at the moment that they will live in the school media, with other social groups, influencing new ways of thinking and personality of the individuals. In the majority, cultural modalities established from cultural and social standards lead to discrimination and prejudice, and thus need to seek in the teaching and learning process, solutions that make it possible to soften and / or neutralize relationships of submission and discomfort in school. However, teachers should be well prepared and supported to act in the diversities found in schools, and work as agents that include pedagogical projects and school curricula capable of advancing social relations, provoking the emergence of new intercultural relations capable of unifying cultures and People promoting learning and equal opportunities for all individuals included in the school and non-school education processes.
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