Education for sustainable development

Proposal for the EMEF Edvard Teixeira Férrer




Educação, Escola, Educação ambiental


There is no doubt the role of formal education in the individual education to the challenges of the future life, to create and implement sustainable means of interaction society / nature, as well as providing solutions to today's environmental problems. the importance of educating communities to act responsibly, maintaining the healthy environment is evident at present, for the future, changing their relationship with the environment. In this sense, the school bears significant responsibility, mainly because it has the condition to work with local communities, valuing the regional, dealing daily in a perspective that other bodies do not act. However it appears that in the researched school, no action to educate for sustainability has been taken to date. This is a situation of too late in relation to that official documents now prescribe long time.


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How to Cite

Nóbrega Martins, R., & Martins, R. A. A. (2021). Education for sustainable development: Proposal for the EMEF Edvard Teixeira Férrer . Revista De Estudos Pedagógicos Do Cariri, 1(03), 04–14.